
Fiona Margrie Fiona Margrie


I was sitting in my local park on a spring afternoon when a hoverfly decided to land on my finger and say hello. As it hang out I was mesmerised by the minuscule minutia of its exoskeleton as was inspired to create a larger-than-life reduction print of it.

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Christmas Card 2021
Fiona Margrie Fiona Margrie

Christmas Card 2021

Every year my grandfather would make amazing, abstract, three dimensional, Christmas cards. It was him who inspired me to take up lino printing in the first place. To carry on his tradition each year I create a print for my own cards.

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Victor Margrie
Fiona Margrie Fiona Margrie

Victor Margrie

My grandfather, Victor Margrie, was my inspiration to get into lino printing. This print was based of a photograph I took of Victor on his 81st birthday at his home in Devon in 2010, and created in May 2020.

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